On June 11 I attended a Network Marketing meeting here in Manila Philippines where I was presently living. The announcement came out that the LEADERS OF THE COMPANY were going on this WORLD TOUR South Africa. Kenya, and then Philippines, then Malaysia...the leaders for the Decentra ”World Tour” meeting was scheduled back in March for June 11 in the Philippines. On June 9th I attended this meeting…I got there early to meet everyone and take selfies with all the leaders that would be there . Upon arrival I got my place up front so I could hear well and see well. Eventually Capt Louie, who I had met on Zoom calls but never in person arrived....then soon after him Angelo Black from South Africa who flew there for this event as well cause he had members of his team in the Philippines already. Capt Louie explained to me that the leaders had an emergency meeting in Vietnam that they had to go to and it was going to be up to us to participate in this meeting. My heart SUNK ! I learned that on the 11tth they were going to be doing a ZOOM call appearance. Capt Louie said that he would do the meeting because there were people coming from all over the Nation ....so he asked me to do the Welcome and share a testimony ..I agreed to that ....Angelo Black would come up after the presentation and do a soft launch informational message..then we would have the food that the company had purchased for us all. I got up and I gave a brief story about my parents raising me to care about "others" After that was over I sat down and was ready to enjoy the event until it was done . On June 11th I once again arrived not as early but early enough. Capt Louie explained that Mr Bjorn Arnstedt was going to have a section of the program. I didn't understand this ....why didn't the leaders come ..? They went to South Africa and Kenya...WHY ..?? Once again I was asked to Welcome them like I do on some Zoom calls ....and give a brief testimony ....and I did this time I focused on WHY did I join Decentra....and it's because of Decentra's Mentor.....John C Maxwell. #1 Leadership Guru in the World.....he was our Mentor and I had had previous opportunities to see John C Maxwell at a Church Growth Seminar earlier in my life that helped our Church Flourish using his principles. Then I sat down and listened Around 5pm we were interrupted abruptly by the SEC and the Police and they were telling us to cease this meeting .....which we did. The Police came to me and they took my Phone...my tablet ...and my Passport (My actual passport not a photocopy) and proceeded to arrest 19 of us at that meeting ...I was included in this arrest. For 4 days we were in that prison and on the 4th day we were all released on bail that Mr Bjorn Arnstedt paid..however we did not receive our items that they took from us . For 6 months I was refused to get my passport and my phone and tablet. In November of this year we received word that the DOJ had dismissed our case and that soon we would be getting our things… HOWEVER they listed 4 of us that they were not dismissing. I now know there is a warrent for my arrest and as I met with my Atty’s they inform me that this is for Money ….they are holding me for money from the company. Then this process was explained to me: this is all part of the corruption of the Philippines. My Atty’s said they can help me get this cleared up and the TRUTH be told. The Case reads as though myself and Capt Louie were responsible for holding this event and that he and I and Angelo were trying to scam people out of money which we most certainly were not. So here is where I’m at ….I need to raise $5,500 to be able to go home. So that's why I started this campaign in the Partners in Wealth Crowdfunding project, so that people would have an avenue to help me but not only help me but help themselves as well. Please if you can afford $50 …donate that to my campaign…then start sharing the link you will get ..and you will make money as well but the important thing is I will be able to go home and enjoy my holiday with my family… Let me know how I can help you as well.
TO Pay my Atty's fee's and immigration that I was denied for 8 months and get my name cleared and able to go home for the holidays.
Money is needed to pay the Atty's fee's for them to do their work here to help me become free once again.
by sddfs
by sddfs
by Robert
by Michael
by Lolita
by Michael