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Partners InWealth

About us

About The Law of Reciprocity Participants Practice The Law of Giving and Receiving

Partners In Wealth believes that in order for anyone to achieve abundance in any form, they must also give unconditionally. Based on the law of reciprocity, whatever you give out in life comes back to you multiplied. Nonetheless, giving must be unconditional so that there’s energy behind that giving.

1. Give someone a gift. Compliment them or better yet, pray for them. That is the first process of circulating joy in your life and those you interact with.

2. Receive every gift that life offers you. Be open to it; whether it is a prayer or a material gift.

3. Silently wish people happiness; that makes it easier to give and receive gifts of affection and love, allowing it to circulate in your life.

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Partners In Wealth is independently supported by donors who give directly to our operations.