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Help Wanted Details

Writers, copy writers, editors. Work From Home

  • Robert San Jose
  • 2020-10-14 14:23:46

We are looking for writers who can produce engaging, interesting & funny content for our readers. This is not boring, dry writing for SEO rankings or essay style writing. This is fun and engaging content that our readers would want to pass on to a friend or share on Facebook.


Think top 10 lists, useful commentary, helpful reviews and content they can use & put into action immediately.


• You will be creating content where you get an idea from another source online (like a YouTube video or blog post). 300-450 words in length. These are called curated articles.


You will use the source content in your story with full attribution and a link back to the original source.


Then add more information, commentary, opinions, reviews or feedback in addition to the original source.
• You are going to be writing for Recipe Station. This site covers Recipe tips and ingrediants.
• You set your hours and work from home. You will be paid per published articles.
• You must be prepared to start immediately. (Like submitting your first article tomorrow).
• We provide materials for training and are available at your convenience.


What Type Of People Are We Looking For?
• Writers who can send in 20 or more articles per week.
• Prior experience writing is favorable.
• Dedicated writers who can stay with us for a year or longer.


Resume Submission Requirements:

IMPORTANT: You must submit one sample article with your resume. Applications without examples of writing will not be considered.

Please send sample article and resume to:
Lauren Jackson
Marketing | Editorial Manager

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